Stories and Songs

Mind Together – Empowerment

What are two words that start with ch and end with ces?

Both have seven letters.

One you make and one you take.

Choices and Chances.

We have many choices in life. It is up to us to make each one. We may feel that we have no choices left; yet we must exercise our power to choose. We can choose our attitude. And our thoughts. We have more freedom than we may realize. We can choose good for our life or stay in the same routine. Sometimes by not choosing, we are making a choice to stick with what we know best.

Taking chances is a part of life. We all have a different risk tolerance and need to be able to accept the consequences of the chances we take. Some of us are more of a risk taker—it is a matter of time till we get bitten by our chances. We need to be careful.

Others of us may have gotten stuck in a negative rut. We need to take some action to take a chance—perhaps leave the house or talk to someone. Feel and be empowered with the choices you make and the chances you take. Intend to have good consequences in your life.

Live with the consequences of your choices. Consider the cost. Seek the counsel of others that you trust to help you with decisions. Learn to gain more independence in your life to look after yourself. Remember the power you have with every choice you make and every chance you take.

You deserve good in your life. Don’t get stuck in a rut—make choices and take a chance on getting out of your rut—if you are in one. Is there anything holding you back from accepting good into your life? Is there something that you need to let go of? Learn to grow and cultivate good in your life. Cultivate good thoughts. Be kind to yourself with the choices you make and the chances you take.